Saturday, December 27, 2008

Pilot - one week later

Pilot had a nice Christmas - he got a new tug toy. All of the other toys he has are hand-me-downs or "already-been-chewed" toys.

I heard that some more "P" puppies are on their way to So. Cal. on the January 5 puppy truck. I hope I get to meet them someday. I, of course, will go to meet the puppy truck as we are getting 3 new puppies to our club.


Taelor, Pilaf, and Cartier said...

What a cutie! I see he is enjoying many of the toys that Pilaf is, including the allways popular go-nut! :D Glad he is being such a good boy!

~Taelor, Franklin, and Pilaf~

Becky Andrews said...

Oh... he is ADORABLE. I love your blog. How can I thank you all ever enough for what you do ... I am on the receiving end and inspired by your gift of love and service and doing the hard part! each day.