Guide Dog Puppy Raisers have such a fun job. If you would like to share your experiences with other puppy raisers please comment. I love to hear from other puppy raisers.
I am a Guide Dog Puppy Raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind. I am raising puppy #11. His name is Archie. I just love this picture of Pilot that I can't seem to get myself to change it, sorry Archie.
It was very fun to see Elbert in action. Hooper wants to get a job too. Elbert was so handsome and proud looking - amazing!! Of course, I was a proud mama.
We took the Goldline to Union Station where we met with other puppy raising clubs. As soon as you get off the train the first place you head is Philippe's for lunch. Waiting for the train Hooper and Madeline were very comfortable on the train.Philippe'sHooper peering at me from under the table as I was sitting with Elbert. A little jealous, he was.
Then we walked over to Olvera Street. A very fun day made even more fun for me because "Elbert" met us at Union Station. Here are some pictures from the day.